Wednesday, December 26, 2007

If The Yule Log flamed bright, why am i so blue?

I always feel depressed after the holidays. I don't know if it's because I'm still recovering from gorging myself with too many different meats and sweets, or if it's because i'm wallowing in the mess of the seasonal climax and had to spend all morning on my hands and knees mopping up. Thank god for Hot Toddys, without which I would simply not be able to make it through this day. We had a great feast last night, and everyone contributed his own flavor to the smörgåsbord. Julian made a scrumptious meat pie with pudding, Levar chipped in by tossing everyone's individual salad, I kept everyone well lubricated with a merlot that I made in the bathtub, and Stevan made our mouths water with his boysenberry pie finished with creme fresh. After dinner, we sat around the Yule Log and fanned the flames with our gleeful songs, while Stevan tickled the ivories. Then after a long night of cheeky parlor games, fellowship and mirth, we retired to the bedroom and played "Secret Santa." I woke up this morning feeling a bit down, and I realized that somehow the true meaning of the holiday was more of an afterthought than a focalpoint for me this year. I think I need to go deeper into its background, and see if I can't muck around for a buried treasure in the dark. I love my light-hearted interchanges with the guys -- and sometimes we go deep -- but, I need more spirituality in my life to feel good about myself again. Too many mornings I wake up and feel ashamed. I'm going to turn over a new leaf this year and shine my brightest!

-- Lance

Thursday, December 20, 2007

An Uncompromising Position

Well, another night has passed and living together has proven to be challenging, if not impossible.  Between the heavy panting of Levar and the unexplained sleep-wandering of Julian, I'm finding it difficult to achieve maximum idle-time. Lance recently upgraded his Temporal-Pedic with a self cleaning mechanism that cycles every zano-sec and that thing is just way too loud. I'm close to pulling the plug on that one. I've tried biting my pillow, earbugs, and even uncompromising positions but nothing is working. Julian likes it on top, Levar is content with being on the bottom, leaving me alone in my oversised Prince Albert double. I guess I just have to be more accepting of my roomies, kind of like how they are once the lights are out...


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"The Hills Have Guys" was tits!

If you haven't seen it yet, SEE IT!!!! It was a sheer rollercoaster ride. At first, I found myself in a pool of thrills, splashing around like a giddy little schoolboy. Then, not 15 minutes into the film, I was whisked away to a land of magic and wonder, twirling 'round and 'round, soaking in the aura of warm, comforting fantasy! The director, Michael Knight Shamalon, kept me spinning in this realm of wonders for an hour before he said, "No! You're not staying here you naughty, NAUGHTY boy!" and immediately twisted my dream-like state into a waterbed of erotic, silky ooze that raped all 10 of my sensory receptors. And just as my rag-doll-like structure was laid down as gently as a handkerchief in the calming winds of a storm's wake, Mr. Shamalon picked me up and said "It's okay.... I know how you feel," as he bent me over a knee and spanked my backside with a mindmelding twist that eased its way slowly into tranquil resolve. I snapped out of it minutes after the credits and Stevan had to help me out of my seat and through the theatre doors....brilliant.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Throwing our junk under the Micro-scope

Well, here we are with our own blog -- laying it all out for you to examine. I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but i've always said, "I'll try anything once, and most things two-at-once." Not sure what kinds of things people would want to hear, so i'll start by saying: My name is Lance and I love to Dance! What do you love to do?